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Partners & Programs in the Fight Against Poverty

KACAP is a proud member of the National Community Action Partnership.  All communities benefit from their dedicated advocates working for equity ad opportunity.  Alongside them, our work continues to succeed thanks to the following programs and organizations.

Kansas Housing Resources Corporation administers the CSBG funding for the State of Kansas.  In addition, KHRC offers affordable housing opportunities to first-time home buyers, renters, senior citizens, and other individuals with special needs who otherwise might not be able to afford quality housing; and administers the federal Weatherization Assistance Program

Kansas Department of Children and Families administers several low-income programs, including Food Assistance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Child Care Assistance, Child Support Services, and Medical Assistance.

Kansas Department of Disability and Aging Services administers services to older adults; administers behavioral health, addiction and prevention programs; manages the four state hospitals and institutions; administers the state’s home- and community-based services waiver programs under KanCare, the state’s Medicaid program; and directs health occupations credentialing.

The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) is a federally funded block grant in the Office of Community Services, Administration for Children & Families, United State Department of Health & Human Services that provides funds to our eight (8) agencies.  Funds from CSBG help to provide services such as housing, nutrition, utility and transportation assistance, employment, education and other income and asset building services.

Kansas Head Start programs promote the school readiness of young children (birth to five) from low-income families through agencies in their local community and provides children and their families with health, nutrition, social and other services. The Kansas Head Start Association's webpage provides links to find the Kansas Head Start program in your county



KanVet provides direct access to State of Kansas veteran-specific resources and benefits without having to navigate multiple state agency websites

Kansas Legal Services, a statewide non-profit corporation, is devoted to helping low income Kansans meet their basic needs through the provision of important legal and mediation services. KLS is legal aid in Kansas, providing equal access to justice for the most vulnerable Kansans and serves persons in all 105 Kansas counties through their two (2) mediation offices and eleven (11) legal services offices across the state.

CAPLAW is the national legal expert for the Community Action network.  Through consultations, training and resources, they equip Community Action Agencies (CAAs) with the knowledge and tools to operate as accountable and effective change agents.  CAPLAW provides guidance to federal, state and national Community Action partners on legal and financial issues affecting CAAs.

The U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) works with Community Action agencies through the administration of the Community Development Block Grant program (CSBG), Section 8 assistance, support of national nonprofit homeless assistance efforts and fair housing education & enforcement.

The National Association for State Community Services Programs (NASCSP) is the sole national association charged with advocating and enhancing the leadership role of States in the administration of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) and Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP).

U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Development section helps rural residents buy or rent safe, affordable housing and make health and safety repairs to their homes.

KACAP © 2023

KACAP is a statewide association with offices in Topeka, Kansas.
KACAP is proud member of the National Community Action Partnership in Washington, DC, USA.


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